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Whether you are trimming down, bulking up, or just trying to eat healthier, our 1-2-1 nutrition programs can help you get there. Our in-house nutritionist will help to take the guesswork out of diet and nutrition, removing all the confusion and overwhelm so that you can start making steps towards your goals from day 1.


We use science-based nutrition principles, combined with flexible dieting advice tailored to your goals, needs and preferences. We can help you to lose body fat consistently and feel great without giving up the foods you love. We’ll help you to:


  • Follow a diet and training program that is simple, science-based and easy to follow

  • Keep you clear of the common mistakes that make dieting difficult, and may have held you back in the past.

  • Make fat loss a journey you actually enjoy rather than dread

  • Stay on track from day 1 until you reach you goals





We’ll provide you with an in-depth consultation to give you a clear picture of both where you are and how to get to where you need to be. This includes a thorough assessment of your body composition, diet, goals, medical history, diet history, diet preferences current lifestyle factors.


We’ll use this to create an individually-tailored programme, and give you precise numbers and strategies to get you from where you are to where you want to be.​


We’ll start with the basics, analysing what you eat, when you eat it and why. We’ll also talk lifestyle factors - your workout habits, stress, family or work pressures that could play a role in improving your nutrition.​


We’ll use this information to put together a customised plan, with individual tools & strategies designed to help you reach your diet goals.​


We take a science based, flexible & food inclusive approach, focussing on what you can eat rather than on cutting things out. Our aim is to provide you with a plan to not only reach your goals, but stay healthy and happy through the entire process




Diet and nutrition is always an evolving journey - goals and needs change, we adjust foods and habits, occasionally slipping up but refining the process as you go.


With our nutrition management plan, we can be there to help you through every step of that journey. It’s designed specifically to keep you on track to your goals and help get you back on track if anything comes up.


We provide you with an online platform you'll have an accountability calendar where you can keep yourself on track, build momentum and get support if you start to fall off. We can use this to make sure that you’re on track through the whole process, hitting specific diet targets so that we know for certain we are on track. The platform is simple to use and can keep you on track with just a couple of minutes of updating on your phone every day.


We also offer 30-minute in-person check-ins as part of the bundle. This gives you one to one time to go over the previous week, make sure everything is on track, make adjustments to the plan if needed, and answer any diet or nutrition questions you might have.



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